Saturday, January 20, 2007

Of course you know, this means war

From the NY Times:

Iran’s outspoken president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appears to be under pressure from the highest authorities in Iran to end his involvement in its nuclear program, a sign that his political capital is declining as his country comes under increasing international pressure.

Just one month after the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions on Iran to curb its nuclear program, two hard-line newspapers, including one owned by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called on the president to stay out of all matters nuclear.

Members only man weakened in Iran.

If all goes according to form, the Bush Administration rather than taking advantage of this opportunity will squander it and rattle the saber and allow Ahmadinejad to regain any lost ground.

It's just the kind of reptilian aggressiveness we've learned to expect.

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