Wednesday, September 26, 2007


That's the amount the White House wants YOU the American Taxpayer to spend on the Iraq war by the end of 2008 -- You've already spent $450 Billion so far. Once again, they manage to miss their earlier estimates by more than $40 Billion.

So, since there are 150 million American taxpayers are so, that $4,000 each and every one of us have paid if distributed equally.

I'm sure you'll all agree it's been one hell of a goddamn value.

You could have bought 2 or 3 big screen high-def televisions, or paid off a credit card so you could go out and max it out again.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you got this quality war that will probably end up costing about five times that $600 Billion when you add up the fact that it will never apparently fucking end, Bush seems to think Iran could be a make good on the original fuck up, etc.

Wow, that's like paying $100 for a bad hand job without release AND still somehow getting the clap.

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