I see from the smartypants-es at Sadly, No! that I'll need to add one Alicia Colon to The Neverending Wingnut Harpy Conga Line™. As Old Alicia appears to fall into the "Minor Wingnut" Category she brings up the rear for the time being. Let's see if she does anything to distinguish herself from the shrieking freaks ahead of her.
The Line™ as it stands:
- Peggy Noonan (gotta let the
old fartgrande dame lead up the line, right?) - Kate Ole 60 Grit O'Beirne (co-leader with Nutter Noonan)
- Phyllis Schlafly (mother(fucker) of them all)
- Lynne Cheney
- Barbara Comstock
- Mona Charen
- Barbara Olsen (added post-humously)
- Mary Matalin
- Coulter
- Michelle Madingaling Malkin
- Ann BanAlthouse
- Laura Ingraham
- Kathleen Parker
- K-Lo
- Pamela "Atlas Shrugs Please Look at My Jugs" Oshry
- Debbie Schlussel
- Liz Cheney
- Laura Schlessinger
- Marie Jon
- Karen Hughes
- Melanie Morgan
- Megan Cox Gurdon
- Monica Crowley
- Bay Buchanan
- Mary Katherine Ham
- Amanda Carpenter
- Karen Hanratty
- Danielle Crittenden (h/t Worst.President.Ever.)
- Barbara Amiel (h/t Worst.President.Ever.)
- Cokie Roberts (h/t Mister Hedley Bowes)
- Kimberly Kagan (h/t Dan F.)
- Alicia Colon
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