Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Michael Gerson, pure as the driven blow

"The haircut screams "D-Bag" but I earned it by merit."

Well the poor economy has made life a struggle. Thanks to the policies of Michael Gerson's former boss, the economy really went down the crapper and much of my income and Sudafed went with it. And now, the loan I got to finish the basement has been variabled up by the several Banks that own my mortgage. So, I may not be able to finish that meth lab before the President of the United States exercises his Article II powers to send the Air Force to bomb my house due to the irrelevance of my Fourth Amendment Rights.

Though first I'd like to point out to Attorney General Holder, I'm in the process of converting it to a marijuana farm.

I only hope this conversion will allow me to be part of 'Murica the Ruining' as described by professional tool and bowl cut spokesmodel, Michael Gerson.

Oh how did we survive?

Because we all know allowing the rich, like Michael Gerson, to be taxed slightly more, is the new Trail of Tears.

Oh help me, variable rate Jesus.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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