Monday, March 02, 2009

Why Bush sucks part 9,208

No, this didn't happen on his watch, but the decision to go into Iraq, where the Al Qaeda didn't exist, so he could kick ass in another land of the brown people (and that worked out swell) has resulted in us being half-assed and occupying Afghanistan for seven and a half years.

That's about a year short of how long the Russians were there.

And we're having about as much success.

Once again, our reliance on overwhelming firepower has also really helped our reputation.

It is an intractable problem -- which also makes us about the worst kind of occupying army. The army that keeps its distance while impersonally killing from the air or via massive firepower.

We obviously want wars (sadly the "want wars" part is true with too many Americas) where few of our troops die -- but that makes for shitty methods of occupation.

Meaning the better form of occupation is the one where more Americans die.

I'm going to go out on a limb then and say logically and morally, no occupation is therefore the best occupation policy of all.

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