Friday, November 13, 2009

A National Treasure

The right non-reverend Charles Pierce knows how to do a book review, here in regard to smarm-merchant (and I know smarm) Bill Simmons "The Book of Basketball":

I swear to Christ, there's a book in here somewhere, and probably a pretty good one. Unfortunately, at this point, it appears that I'm going to need diamond-tipped drill bits, Bruce Willis from Armageddon, that rock-eating thing from the original Star Trek, 5,000 pounds of gelignite, and several members of the Leakey family to unearth it. But I know it's there. It has to be. After all, The Book Of Basketball is at the top of The New York Times bestseller list, and it already has done the world the great service of dumping from that spot Mitch Albom's latest exercise in Flintstones Chewable Eschatology. And it may just be big and heavy and lumpy enough to keep Sarah Palin's upcoming tome, My Vengeful Screaming Vagina, out of the top spot.

Over at my early morning job at Firedoglake a commenter asked what just how ridiculously over the top conservative reviews of Sarah Palin will be? As I said there and now here, I imagine it will go something like this...

"This book is so good, the pages end up sticking together!"
- Rich Lowry

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