Thursday, November 12, 2009


Since we're all going to stamp our feet and insist that Your Health is Your Problem, below is a list of a few conditions/illnesses/injuries I don't want to pay for. This list is not comprehensive, so I reserve the right to add more as they occur to me or as I become increasingly crabbed and spiteful with age. Please list yours in comments.

Auto-related injuries: I don't drive, after all, and its my opinion that our society should rely more on public transportation. Besides, driving is a highly dangerous activity!

Football-related injuries: football is dangerous!

Erectile dysfunction drugs: I'm with Digby on this one.

Involuntary circumcision: I don't think little boys' genitals should be mutilated without their consent.

Any smoking-related illness or injury, including but not limited to the cough, wheezing, flu, bronchitis, sore throats, and ear aches of children that are brought on by their parents' second-hand smoke: I have serious moral objections to smoking.

Any costs associated with unplanned pregnancy, including but not limited to pre-natal care, delivery, post-natal care, and the resultant child's health care up until the time when he/she can bear the cost of his/her own health care: you should have used birth control or practiced abstinence!

Infertility treatments, in vitro and/or in vivo fertilization: the fact that you have to resort to such extraordinary measure tells me that you just weren't meant to have children. Adopt!

Anti-depressants: drugs are a crutch. You should just cheer up!

Gall bladder surgery: you shouldn't be eating rich food.

Alcohol-related liver transplants: I disapprove of drinking to excess.

Any illness/disability that develops as a result of genetic condition that doesn't run in my family. Why should I pay for your family, after all?

/picture via Booman

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