Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tip O' the Iceberg

This sounds like some sort of circa-2002 bullcrap -- or the worst Bond Villain plot ever -- but anyone who read Lawrence Wright's 'The Looming Tower' can fathom this is possible, but not very likely to have been pulled off:

The al Qaeda group that built two toner-cartridge bombs in an unsuccessful attempt to blow up planes in October also has contemplated spreading poison on salad bars and buffets at U.S. hotels and restaurants, U.S. officials told CNN Tuesday.

I imagine this story will set Gretchen Carlson's little "googlin' and cipherin' fingers" afire on Fox & Friends.

Of course, we all know other terrorists groups have already successfully carried out this mission.

Next up, Al Qaeda's secret plot to poison eggs.

Better get ready to invade another country...

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

They kill, they maim and they call information for numbers they could easily look up in the book.

Montag said...

Oh, I don't think al-Qaeda needs to poison us. Between our own multinational corps and the Chinese, we're doing just fine in that regard.

Hell, if they really wanted to do that, they could just buy stock in Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Tysons and make some money to boot.

spork_incident said...

Sounds like they're taking terroror tips from the Rajneeshees.


A Spork in the Drawer

Olives and Arrows said...


Better get ready to invade another country...

Actually, if al qaeda perps another attack on anything approaching the scale of the 9/11 atrocities expect the subsequent invasion of countries. As with Iraq, those countries may or may not have been directly involved in planning of said attacks.

Thanks to George Bush Jr the US military is quite nicely positioned in Iraq. Barack Obama (or any subsequent President) could easily have tank columns rolling into downtown Mecca, literally within hours.......

Anonymous said...

I suggest mr o/a visit a certain salad bar and be dispatched properly.

Harry R. Sohl said...

Whenever I want my salad tossed, I use Olives and Arrows.

And Croutons. Too.

pansypoo said...

salad? do they know amerika?

Montag said...

As with Iraq, those countries may or may not have been directly involved in planning of said attacks.

Nice bunch of weasel words, little man. Still a true believer in lies, I see.

And, I note that you're still sitting on yer ass while other people fight those wars that give you such a fuckin' woody.


Olives and Arrows said...

It's quite infantile of you to assume that another person is actually turned on by war. Very silly!

And it was proven that the Iraqi regime had been harboring elements of al qaeda, although not directly involved in any 9/11 planning.

Here's what we get if we follow your faulty method of reasoning to its natural conclusion:

1. I support the US led invasion of Iraq. Therefore you conclude that I must participate by enrolling in our military.

2. You oppose the US led invasion of Iraq. Therefore you must also conclude that you must participate as a human shield or a suicide bomber.

pssst.......... there's not actually much for you to shield against anymore. You may or may not have noticed that your friends the terrorists lost in Iraq and that the US has decisively won? And as it turns out... there wasn't an inexhaustible supply of suicide bombers like you and your ilk were hoping.

sukabi said...

yes, we've clearly "won" in Iraq...

Their cathedrals stand silent and their neighbourhoods are rapidly emptying. Now Iraq's Christians face two further unthinkable realities: that Christmas this year is all but cancelled, and that few among them will stay around to celebrate future holy days.

It has been the worst of years for the country's Christians, with thousands fleeing in the past month and more leaving the country during 2010 than at any time since the invasion nearly eight years ago. Christian leaders say there have been few more defining years in their 2,000-year history in central Arabia.

The latest exodus follows a massacre led by al-Qaida at a Chaldean Catholic church in central Baghdad on 31 October, which left about 60 people dead, almost 100 maimed and an already apprehensive community terrified. Since then, the terrorist group has targeted Christians in their homes, including family members of those who survived the attack.

In Baghdad, as well as the northern cities of Mosul and Kirkuk, Christmas services have been cancelled for fear of further violence. Church leaders said they would not put up Christmas decorations or celebrate midnight mass. They told families not to decorate their homes, for fear of attack after al-Qaida reiterated its threat to target Christians earlier this week.

"Now more than 80% of Christians are not going to the churches," said the head of Iraq's Christian Endowment group, Abdullah al-Noufali. "There is no more sunday school, no school for teaching Christianity. Yesterday we had a discussion about what we would do for Christmas. We took a decision just to do one mass. In years before we had many masses."

Banality and Evil said...

"And as it turns out... there wasn't an inexhaustible supply of suicide bombers like you and your ilk were hoping."

The projective identification is strong today.

Montag said...

No, O&A, you're just a weaselly little fuckin' creep. You want other people to fight your wars for you while you jerk off to them.

You're a parasite on the lives of others.

You're scum.

You and your ilk will happily destroy this country for a video war thrill, and you can't even figure out why.

You're not only dumb, you're dirty.