No one was hurt so allow me to say...

I have to wonder where the game, already delayed, is going to be played. Perhaps the Gophers new outdoor stadium.
Which could be biblically awesome in it's miserableness if they play it at night.
The forecast for tomorrow night in Minnesota?
- 6 F, windchill -11, so not much wind expected...which is kind of sad in a way.
Good luck NFL.
On the other hand, with the Vikings pushing for a new stadium, the Viking owners must think this is a timely gift. Now they can really blackmail the legislature.
God made football to be played outdoors.
Yes, please make them play the game here in Hoth, after dark, on the 13th of December 2010. It should be below 0 by then. The plastic grass will be like grease, the drunken fans losing fingers & toes to frostbite, the players suffering additional injuries. Who could ask for more?
God did not intend the game to be played in December and January, that would be the fault of the Benjamins
That's a bit far.
Somewhere, an engineer is getting chewed out ...
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