Tuesday, March 01, 2011

From the Skies

You may remember that story last week of Libyan pilots who defected rather than bomb their fellow citizens in Benghazi.

Well, not everyone defected apparently.

Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces struck back on three fronts on Monday, using fighter jets, special forces units and regular army troops in an escalation of hostilities that brought Libya closer to civil war.

But it is not going all that well for Qaddafi, amazing how bombing your citizenry undermines a leader's support.

...the ease with which at least one assault, on the western city of Zawiyah, was repelled by anti-government forces raised questions about the ability of the government to muster a serious challenge to the rebels’ growing power.

Obviously recall petitions are a better way.

(image from 'Guernica' via tiganatoo at flickr.com)

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


pansypoo said...

oh crap. all we need is picasso.

MD said...

I'm guessing some Democratic Senators will also be targeted by the Ultra Right Fascist middleclass-Americans haters, also.

Anonymous said...

pretty toothless, a recall. to stop him in his tracks, the palace needs to be taken. Ruthless is as ruthless does.