Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Give Haley Barbour a break

He obviously forgot this because he was out-of-town driving a Freedom Rider Bus or defending the Scottsboro Boys! It all happened in 1962 he says.

"I remember Martin Luther King came to town, in '62. He spoke out at the old fairground and it was full of people, black and white," he said. But Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow told the Jackson Clarion-Ledger this week that records show no signs of any such appearance.


pansypoo said...

how reagansque.

Anonymous said...

Of course, Mr. Barbour arranged the show to protect MLK from the KKK and it was held in a very secure outhouse on the fairgrounds with no one inside or outside. Such meetings were necessary for future presidential wannabbes..who cured the evil ambitions of both sides,the dark(ie) side and the white peckerwood side.