Worst, most hapless, movie I have ever seen...and I have most MST3k episodes. I mean that title used to be to the collective Ed Wood collection or Manos: The Hands of Fate, but considering when this was made, the directing, the editing, the acting, the script, the hapless preachiness, the selection of vehicle, the bizarre deus ex machina moment, and most of all the special effects...OH MY GOD!
It is so bad I recommend rushing out to buy it so you can frame it on your wall with Worst Movie Ever captioned at the top.
And speaking of MST3k, it must be accompanied by these guys...though you will want the phone handy so you can call 911 when you laugh your way nearly to death.
A sample...that still doesn't do it justice.
White Comanche will always be the worst/bestest movie of all time. Sure this film has children fighting birds with coat hangers. Yet White Comanche has not one but two emoting Bill Shatners. Although the love scene does not include both Bills, which would have made it an instant classic (maybe too predictable). They do have a joust to the end....
Oh good! Birdemic 2 (in 3D!) is is in production now!
Still more entertaining than An American Carol or DC 9/11.
Ah White Comanche nobody does a comanche war whoop like Bill does.
But don't forget Mesa of Lost Women film so bad that for a while it was rumored that Ed Wood had directed it.
not torgo worthy. OMG! did they use somebody allowance to pay for that? couch change? blood donations?
should have tried porn instead.
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