Friday, March 04, 2011

A man of soooooo many ideas

And all bad ones. Run, Newt, Run!

There should be a conscious systematic strategy for sending good people to every point in the federal government and to as many contacts with foreign governments as possible.

This requires carrying extra officers and senior ncos on the rolls but in the long run it will pay a tremendous dividend in communicating the defense system's views, values, and practices.

Newtie wanted the Department of Defense to place "spies" throughout the Federal government.

But, this was never on Glenn Beck's chalk-board so it's not fascist.


Athenawise said...

We need Newt Gingrich back in government, we do, we do!

[Laughs maniacally]

sukabi said...

how much you want to bet that Rumsfeld took that advice and ran with it?

I think we've seen the results over the last 10 years...

pansypoo said...

shut UP!. the SCOTUS gave us georgee, if the could, they'd curse us with newt too!

MD said...

His Newtiness should grow a pornstache. .... That's exactly what we need in this country a Military Junta. Worked real well in Chili I understand.

pansypoo said...

looks like there is more money in pretending to run.

Anonymous said...

Newt has kochsucker values