Sunday, March 27, 2011

Move along, nothing to see here

You have to wonder when the bad news starts to slow down:

Radioactivity in contaminated water in one reactor unit at a damaged Japanese nuclear power plant tested 10 million times higher than normal

Update: TEPCO is disputing the number.


StonyPillow said...

A little kelp pill now and then
Is relished by the wisest men.

KEPCO is being dragged step by step into admitting facts. Engineers and MBAs will simply not tell the truth unless forced by indisputable fact, and then no more than they must.

At this point, you have have no choice but to assume the reality in those buildings is still far worse than they're saying.

pansypoo said...

they are saying no way the bad water hits the ocean. oh jeez.

Olives and Arrows said...


Move along, nothing to see here

hmmm.... that seems similar to the extremely sparse commentary re the coalition no-fly imposed on Libya.

Atta is prolly hoping that by ignoring the issue the whole thing will just up and


...disappear into thin air.

Although I certainly can't get inside the thinking of Atta and other extreme leftists my theory is they can't be seen openly opposing the mainstream left wing support for international action against Libyan crazy Khadafy. Nor can they support the action as that would mean that they also (retroactively) on principle give support to the actions the imposed against crazy Saddam starting in 2003.

best guess.....

Anonymous said...

Dr. Turk has a troll. Moving on up.

Cocks and Assholes said...



I'm stuck in this cranial/rectal impact mode, and Dungeon Master keeps tapping my ass to yield.

What was the topic again?

Anonymous said...

Every time a radioactive breach has happened at a reactor site...whether Chernobyl, 3 mile island, there's been plenty of blame hurled around as well. Truth of the matter must be there are a lot of unknowns as well as unknown ways to deal with this radioactivity. Unlike an earthquake, tsunami, or tornado the actual damage is unseeable, difficult to measure, and yet quite insidious.