Sunday, July 24, 2011


The Brits Tory/Lib Dem coalition in England can summarize the state of our nation quite well:

Business Secretary Vince Cable has launched an extraordinary attack on "right wing nutters" in the US who are threatening to cripple the world economy...

"The irony of the situation at the moment, with markets opening tomorrow morning, is that the biggest threat to the world financial system comes from a few right-wing nutters in the American congress rather than the eurozone."

Mr. Cable is a Liberal Dem the middle of the road party in the UK, but I think it is fair to assume this is an agreed upon position in the entirety of the Cameron government.


Montag said...

The current crop of Brits in their government has nothing to lord over us. They've embarked on exactly the same austerity program that's being enacted here, in order to protect the profitability of their financial class.

And, if anything, their public is even more pissed at them for doing so than our public is at our government for doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

The 'lib-dems' in the UK are as vile as the 'lib-dems' in the US. They have both sold out their constitutes by getting in bed with the corporate(Fascist) state.

StonyPillow said...

47 in the Senate and 240 in the House is more than a few. Maybe it's time for the American people to accept collective responsibility for having elected so many anti-American representatives willing to trash our country for ideology so Wall Street can profit.

Have a cone of consequences. And remember to Eat-It-All.

sukabi said...

I have no doubt that first thing tomorrow morning Congress, in response to this statement, will get to the most important task of declaring that we MUST RENOUNCE everything "English"... although coming up with an alternate language will be interesting as they've already made it clear that Spanish isn't acceptable...

omen said...

i liked the guy from labour who said (paraphrasing) apologies are meaningless when you refuse to accept responsibility.

remember the rash of books that demonized liberalism. liberal fascism, liberalism is mental disease. blah blah, sure call me a moonbat, but at least i'm not a kamikaze pilot willing to sink the economy. now that's crazy.

Anonymous said...


You mean - "FREEDOM MUFFINS" are in our future?????

Anonymous said...

The rich hate to pay taxes.

I'll bet they'll hate it even more when pissed-off poor people with nothing to lose start murdering them at random...

sukabi said...

Exactly Anonymous...

omen said...

anon, unfortunately, pissed off poor people with nothing to lose resort to this instead:

pansypoo said...

just need to CHANGE the words so rebulikkklans can accept it. we need to RESTORE the old tax rates and they should be HAPPY it's clintons and not fucking eisenhower's.

Anonymous said...

job creators, cretins, creationists, and tea partiers have lotsa more guns and stuff to kill poor people than poor people have to go after them. And they know how to shoot from attending classes, and going to target ranges...
It's a better equipped classy class for war. Not many poor have wherewithal to buy a farm and fertilizer for bombmaking, as well as arms and ammunition.

Anonymous said...

This is an agreed position in the entire world press outside the U.S.

It is obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain.

It is high time Democrats (and Americans in general) started shouting it from the rooftops.

When the whole world economy goes down the fucking tubes, it will be important that everyone know exactly who they were that put us here, what their names are, and where they live.

Repugs all know it too in their tiny, shitty little hearts. It's time to call their bluff. A clean just-raise-the-fucking-ceiling bill, or nothing. See who signs on, and who doesn't.


Anonymous said...

This is an agreed position in the entire world press outside the U.S.

It is obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain.

The fact that the "rest of the world" believes something is a drawback to these cretins.
They see the primary job of politicians and policies as making them feel good about their stupidity and ignornce.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Stony, I'd blame our corporate press for lying to everybody (about everything) and our feeble, corrupt Democrats for not offering a real alternative before blaming the voters.

pansypoo said...

might be stalling so they HAVE to pass a clean ceiling.