Friday, July 01, 2011

Dear Mr. President

I got an email from you last night with "No Subject" in the header.

There's no way I'm opening might be a jet tax.


Montag said...

Oh, that was just Jim Messina begging you to donate to Obama's campaign and to do it before the June 30th midnight deadline, to make Obama's quarterly fundraising statement to the FEC look like lots of people love him.

Obviously, Obama and his people are fearful that the press will play a drop in donations as a loss of support for Obama, and to this bunch, appearances are very, very important.

Never would it occur to them that pissed-off people don't donate money to the person who's pissed them off....

sukabi said...

I'm probably on a terror watchlist somewhere, because a couple of weeks ago when one of the first such emails came from Obama asking for $$$, I politely let them know that with the economy in the shitter, as much as I would like to donate, I just didn't have any spare change laying around to part with...and let them know that they could fix the economy by taxing the rich and ending the wars.

since then I've been deluged with more $$$ requests... :-(

I'm about ready to pull out my "what part of I'm broke, don't you understand asshole" telemarker brush off speil...

pansypoo said...

IF i ever get rich. i will pay my taxes.

Anonymous said...

yes, we do need to be making money to be paying taxes. that would be nice. damn.

Anonymous said...

I deleted it I thought it was not real ,there is always a subject