A target of smear merchants giving some preppy practitioner of the same his comeuppance in the latest Murdoch sleazefest.
why are they trotting out that little weasel to defend their criminal enterprise? He was doing the same thing with the interview that was done with Hugh Grant...
He's an unlikeable bloke as it is, and he's defending hacking peoples' phones as 'fun' and 'a lark' ... something tells me that he's got a lot of skeletons in his own closet that would make for some rather juicy tabloid exposé (besides being a stupid criminal -- and he is, stupid and a criminal -- because he clearly doesn't get that he's illegally wiretapped / hacked peoples' phones and gotten and exposed their private messages)
The Murdoch hack tries to defend the tabloids' despicable tactics by claiming the tabloids are engaging in uncovering corruption. But I can't think of a single instance in which the tabloids have used these methods against the most corrupt sector of UK and US society - the banking elites who drove both the US and the Uk into depression. The truth is the tabloids are just a tool for propping up our corrupt ruling class by distracting the public with gossip and other nonsense.
why are they trotting out that little weasel to defend their criminal enterprise? He was doing the same thing with the interview that was done with Hugh Grant...
He's an unlikeable bloke as it is, and he's defending hacking peoples' phones as 'fun' and 'a lark' ... something tells me that he's got a lot of skeletons in his own closet that would make for some rather juicy tabloid exposé (besides being a stupid criminal -- and he is, stupid and a criminal -- because he clearly doesn't get that he's illegally wiretapped / hacked peoples' phones and gotten and exposed their private messages)
some people are just not normal.
The Murdoch hack tries to defend the tabloids' despicable tactics by claiming the tabloids are engaging in uncovering corruption. But I can't think of a single instance in which the tabloids have used these methods against the most corrupt sector of UK and US society - the banking elites who drove both the US and the Uk into depression. The truth is the tabloids are just a tool for propping up our corrupt ruling class by distracting the public with gossip and other nonsense.
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