Monday, July 04, 2011

Funny, you don't look a day over 220

Happy 235th America.

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
— Oscar Wilde

Obviously Wilde didn't live long enough to understand the sophistication of the Steel-Cage Match involving Baron Von Rashke, Nick Bockwinkle and the Iron Sheik; The Real Housewives of Hollywood; or twittering a shot of one's junk.

Or, of course, the tricorn hat guy at a Teaparty rally who thinks the 1812 Overture is really about Andrew Jackson.

So Happy Birthday anyway.


StonyPillow said...

It took the disaster of the Great Depression to knit us together into the country that saved the world. Maybe hard times will again help us to stop fighting each other, and like our forefathers, care as much about our country and each other as we do our own wallets.

If so, bring 'em on. There are worse things than a declining standard of living. God bless our great nation.

jimmiraybob said...

We may have come to civilization late but I know that we've arrived - on the majority of Man vs. Food episodes they use both plates and table clothes.

Raoul Paste said...

Ahhh, the golden days of wrestling.
Pampiro Firpo! The Wild Bull of the Pampas!

MD said...

As much as I adore OW he was often a bit of an arse......... maybe that is what endears me. Happy birthday America and 'Merica

pansypoo said...

i think the civilization ended with the founding.

Anonymous said...

are you implying the founders foundered by writing a constitution that definitely had some time warps and lapses, unlike the Bible, which was an even older parched, and crazed document?