Saturday, July 09, 2011


How much pain are the wealthy being asked to endure?

Oh, that's right, none.

All the rest of us can fuck ourselves also.


Anonymous said...

No pain for those who continue to gain? Ah, but they must endure the high cost of protecting themselves from those vexing hordes of little people by keeping their moat filled with alligators that separates their gated community from any intrusions.

pansypoo said...

the sheeple KNOW what shared sacrifice SHOULD BE.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I can hardly wait for Obama to agree to cut Social Security.

Hoovertowns, here we come again!

Anonymous said...

do you really believe sheeple KNOW that? How can a sheeple KNOW any more that they are told? Sacrifice, shared, are words not used much. Shopping (at dollar stores) and lead item sales to save money, then try to figure out what happened to the money they saved?

DrDick said...

As with everything else, the rich have people to do that for them. In this case, that would be the rest of us. So all you plebes just shut up and do your jobs, SUFFER!

pansypoo said...

no millionaire left behind.