Thursday, August 18, 2011

Exit Stage right!

Reformed Coven member Christine O'Donnell is not going to be badgered with your policy questions about her book about her policy positions, Pierce Morgan!

...and she stomps off the set in a huff -- undoubtedly to cast a spell, or punch a hippie, or maybe both.

Here's a suggestion, ask Morgan about phone hacking then you can both storm off the set, leaving it empty and giving CNN it's best rated program in years.


sukabi said...

what is it about the teajihadists that they don't think they have to answer legitimate questions? I like the fact that she did say that her policies that she would discuss were 'mostly constitutional'... so even she knows deep down in her hollow little brain cavity that she's advocating policies that don't square with our constitution...

pansypoo said...

grifter stunt for attention.

Montag said...

Sounds like the basis for a new reality show--the audience gets to decide who's more corrupt, the guest or the host....