Monday, August 15, 2011

It couldn't be more depressing

Could it? Look at the way supreme Villager David Gregory equates the ideological divide:

David Gregory: You know, Perry talked about potentially seceding from the union. You think that's extreme. Well people on the other side think that introducing health care reform for the whole country is akin to European Socialism.

Secession now equals what the right says about health care reform?

But it can get worse, because the White House buys that argument. God forbid they lead, much better to cower.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Anonymous said...

Shorter Gregory:
Sure, the South engaged in violent secession in defense of the right to own human beings as property, but Truman changed the depreciation tax schedule for capital equipment. So "both sides do it".

I'm going to go vomit now.

pansypoo said...

helping people is equal to sedition?