Monday, August 15, 2011

You should see his coming "Illustrated Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Shorter, Mike Huckabee: "If you cannot make a misinformative cartoon about 9/11 for kids (and most importantly FOR PROFIT!) than this isn't 'Murica anymore."


Anonymous said...

This is a much better resource for talking to your kids about 9/11.

Montag said...

Well, the major media have made lots of money on 9/11, so, I don't think this is something unique to Huckabee.

The larger question should be why anyone would pay money to have their kids brainwashed by a religious crackpot has-been politician.

Anonymous said...

are little republicans being exposed to this? Could it be a form of child molestation?
there must be legal recourse. this is a nation of LAWS.

pansypoo said...

fucking with history is their favorite hobby.