Saturday, August 27, 2011

Huh, imagine that

That Gaddafi guy spread false propaganda as fast as the Pentagon:

FOR DECADES her name was invoked by Muammar Gadafy and his apologists as proof of his personal suffering as a result of the US bombing of his Tripoli compound in 1986.

After US aircraft struck the Bab al-Azizia complex on April 14th that year, in revenge for the bombing of the La Belle nightclub in Berlin by Libyan agents, the regime announced that an adopted infant daughter of Col Gadafy, named Hana, had died in the raid...

I found an examination paper from a Libyan university medical faculty which was signed “Hana Muammar Gadafy” in Arabic. A photograph showed a woman who seemed to be Hana with a group of people, including Col Gadafy’s blood daughter Aisha.

A British Council certificate, dated July 19th, 2007, showed that a Hana Muammar Gadafy had completed an English language course at its Libyan centre, achieving an A grade.

Also, spelling alternative number 156 for Gaddafi.


Anonymous said...

Duck! Gadaffy, duck!

MD said...

I say from now on his name should be spelled GADEADFEE

pansypoo said...

ain't a few of his kids dead now?