Sunday, October 02, 2011


Last month CNN met with leaders of the TeaParty at a Dennys -- which was appropriate because the usual number of attendees at a tea bagger gathering would not fill up a Dennys. Meanwhile 700 were arrested for deigning to step foot on the Brooklyn Bridge (and not for sale purposes) from #occupywallstreet and the coverage on the Sunday chat shows. Why nothing of course. But we get two Cheney's and, of course, John McCain. Oh that liberal media.


StonyPillow said...

It's Villager Time for the Flying Cheneys to take credit for Anwar al-Awlaki.

pansypoo said...

occupy wallstreet is REAL news, of course it's being ignored.

Anonymous said...

Why is Liz Cheney always on the Sunday shows, giving her twisted opinion? How many of her kids served in uniform? Now they want an apology from President Obama. Cheney should be apologizing to the families of the hundreds of thousands that have been killed or maimed so that he could get even richer. He looks like HELL, why doesn't he just go away.

Anonymous said...

Time to occupycnn?