Thursday, January 12, 2012

Genus Envy

Following a tradition of people born to millionaires who declare themselves self-made, Mitt Romney shows no sign of becoming self-aware.
Romney's "envy" remark came after Lauer asked about the concerns of "anyone who has questions about the distribution of wealth and power in this country."

"I think it's about envy. I think it's about class warfare," Romney said.
That certainly appeals to his base.
They knew his sweet spot was among older, higher-income voters — those with annual household incomes of between $75,000 and $150,000 and with upscale interests like gourmet cooking.
As long as Top Chef doesn't move to Tuesday the rest of the primary season should be a breeze.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

The Romney apparatus has been marinated in Microtrends. But at least his people know enough to stay out of the way of Restore Our Failure.

Montag said...

Well, lessee, if he's depending upon the higher income gourmet proto-capitalists to bail him out, it would have been a big help if there were more of them, right?

Austerity's a bitch, huh, Mitt?

And, yeah, he's right--it is class warfare. And Mitt and his pals started that war and have been ignoring the Geneva Conventions all along. It's not much of a contest when the rich can afford nukes, and all the poor can get their hands on are bricks and sticks and stones.

pansypoo said...

it's time we went sfter the vampire crapitalists.