Wednesday, January 25, 2012

That speech was okay

But Jerry Ford would have thought it was too conservative... But as usual, Obama benefits from who his opposing critics are. Such as this man, best know for defending endless wars fought for illegitimate reasons with the tactic of implying treason upon their opponents.

Well, that is timely criticism indeed coming as it does upon the heels of record profits for Apple.
Buoyed by holiday spending, the company's revenue hit a sky high $46 billion and net income of $13.1 billion. This amounts to about $133 million of profit per day during the 14 week-long quarter.
And let us not forget the true patriotic "American-Corporate Way" of getting those profits, by having them made overseas in China and treating those workers like dirt.

You'd think Fleischer would be more than satisfied enough with Obama's ability to conduct inappropriate acts of war more inexpensively.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

1 comment:

pansypoo said...

so be it.