Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Looks like somebody wants to be a darkhorse

The Popenfuhrer throws Santorum at the wall:
(Reuters) - Pope Benedict said on Monday that gay marriage was one of several threats to the traditional family that undermined "the future of humanity itself".
As opposed to "forced celibacy" which is totally fine and working out just great.

And now back to covering up child abuse.


Montag said...

Looking for logic and/or scientific method in the arguments the Church makes to enforce millennia-old prejudices is pretty much a waste of time.

Pope Ratzi can shinny up a rope. This is the same church that got its jollies by torturing non-believers and, particularly, Jews. It's no different than it was four hundred years ago when it was jailing Galileo for saying the Earth revolved around the Sun and burning heretics at the stake. Well, maybe they're a bit different--now they mostly just destroy the lives of children.

pansypoo said...

did the pope mention DIVORCE?