"Thanks for fucking up! But hey, you supported me."

"Thanks for fucking up! Oh, and I get to rub against you. Let's see, this should work just like Laura and Condi's bra...so we will be here a while."

"Thanks for fucking up! Cannot think of a single thing you were wrong about."

Dick Cheney looks askew at Hastert after the latter closed down the Congressional Buffet line.

Bush's first and last meeting with his designee for Secretary of HHS. Don't know his name? Don't worry, you won't need to.

"Well, if I was being completely honest, I'd say I should be facing jail time for helping get the nation into a disastrous war by what the folks I'm sleeping with tell me. But that's just me, and of course, complete honesty is a foreign concept to me -- as opposed to fallatio."

Departing UN Ambassador John Danforth is caught contemplating what "spending more time with my family" actually means...that he will be spending more time with his family.

Hey, when am I getting one of those?

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