Thursday, December 16, 2004

Bush Alert System

With the apparent success of the Amber alert system, the "architect" (I had no idea he had a degree in architecture, good for you Karly) Karl Rove is hard at work on a sophisticated mechanical marvel that will make it possible to have a Bush alert system (must restrain frat boy joke) to warn us of facts and truth that conflicts with the neoconservative crusade fighting Bushtruth. Think about how much this will unite the country. We will all be "on the same page," "in the same box," thinking the same thoughts.

No more saddness about women and men fighting and dying overseas, they will simply be "fighting for freedom" and "liberating Iraq." The economy will not be in doldrums, we have an economy "on the rise for all people." The weakest of winning margins for the last presidential election becomes "an obvious mandate from the people."
Just imagine the clarity of life when we no longer have to think for ourselves. Why I can just imagine myself right now in my recliner, beer and pretzels in hand, watching the newest Fox show, My Mean, Fat, Criminally Negligble Boss.

We could all have lights and buzzers in our homes, in our cars, at work, on street corners, in the subways, on trains, in planes, in our Unitarian Universalist Churches, in the smoke filled coffee houses... everywhere people congregate. Of course, since there is so much free thought on universities and colleges we will simply have to shut them down. Except maybe Bob Jones or Liberty University, they would not even need the Bush Alert buzzers.

I bet the scientists in the Pentagon and NASA are hard at work on this right now. In fact, I believe that they are working on a portable version. Harmony and bliss, here we come.

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