Thursday, December 16, 2004

Great Moments in Persuasion

Would we here at Rising Hegemon like to get some Wampum Koufax Award nominations? Sure, except we won't ask you for them directly, even though we just kind of did, because that would be pathetic. About as pathetic as putting up such a post a few days ago about the Koufax Awards and acting like we did not ask you to nominate us for anything.

Sure, we are just that pathetic. Pathetic enough to post up a post about how pathetic we are and mention the Koufax awards, with a link to Wampum, where the Koufax Awards are open for nominations and where you can nominate us for a variety of nominations.

Man, I'm getting carpal tunnel piling up all those links to exactly the same site -- you know the site where the Koufax Awards are nominated. Although the permanent curve my right-hand is taking will make my masturbatory rituals that much more satisfying. Yes, Attaturk uses his right-hand for that, not his left hand -- like Sandy Koufax, who has an Award named after him, or have I already mentioned that?

Anyhoo, one site also worthy of a Koufax Award, in a category separate from Rising Hegemon -- and I mean for a Koufax Award, not that we are asking for a nomination, is Corrente, where the Farmer has a truly wonderfully funny post about why he and the other six should be nominated for the award. The Koufax Award.

Go there and read it, and then go here and nominate, not necessarily Rising Hegemon, because begging for such a nomination would be pathetic. Which, of course we are.

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