Friday, February 04, 2005

Ah, this is good

A commenter at Kos has these choice examples of what passes for the wit and wisdom of Sean Hannity:

Guess who gave this harsh quote about the war:

"No goal, no objective, not until we have those things and a compelling case is made, then I say, back out of it, because innocent people are going to die for nothing. That's why I'm against it."
That's right ... the one and only SEAN HANNITY, back in 1999, concerning Clinton's war in Kosovo! (April 5, 1999, FOX News)

"Congressman Moran, a couple of things that are in my mind. Number one is the president has really failed to lay out before the American people the reasons why we need to be involved militarily. That's number one.
And then we go back to Henry Kissinger's test, which is number one, is there a vital U.S. national interest? And do we have a plan to disengage? What's the exit strategy? I don't see that we've met that test either. And why does it have to happen this second, this hour? Why don't we have a national debate first?"
- Hannity, March 24, 1999

"Slobodan Milosevic is a bad guy. He's an evil man. Horrible things are happening. I agree with that. Is Bill O'Reilly then saying we go to Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Sudan? Where does this stop? And when you look at sheer numbers, 2,000 -- and I'm not minimizing death. It's horrible. What this man is doing with ethnic cleansing is abhorrent, but sheer numbers -- 2,000 killed in the last year versus hundreds of thousands, millions in some cases in other parts of the world. Are you saying the United States should go to all those places?"
- Hannity, on "The O'Reilly Factor," April 5, 1999

Theres more profound wisdom that the commenter got from just two weeks worth of statements back in 1999.

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