Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Let's Extrapolate.

Thanks to uber Josh Marshall and boy wonder (ivy league edition) Matthew Yglesias (please send cookie for spelling it right on first try) comes this magic language out of the GOP playbook on doing to Social Security what they did for Iraq, base it upon the most simplistic and irrelevant logic possible:

From page 102 of the playbook:

Let me leave you with a question: Why should young people who will retire around the year 2035 be forced to live with a system that was invented in 1935, especially when that system is in such deep trouble? So many things have since changed then. When Social Security was created the Golden Gate Bridge didn’t exist and neither did Mount Rushmore. You couldn’t see the Wizard of Oz because it hadn’t been filmed and Cheerios hadn’t been introduced as a breakfast cereal. Americans in 1935 couldn’t imagine our world of cell phones, computers, or landing a man on the moon—and that was more than 30 years ago! Times have changed, even if the values behind Social Security haven’t. Young people ought to have a chance to do it differently than their grandparents. So let’s press our leaders for this change now, and start putting money into personal accounts as soon as possible.

So, in short, because Social Security is 70 years old it must be altered fundementally.

Well, let us take this thought and extrapolate it with a mere few alterations into a similar argument I'm sure is in the heart of heart of many a wingnut:

Let me leave you with a question: Why should young people who live here in the year 2005 be forced to live with a system that was invented in 1787, especially when that system is in such deep trouble? So many things have since changed then. When the Constitution was created the State of Missouri didn’t exist and neither did the telephone. You couldn’t see the Wizard of Oz because it hadn’t been filmed and breakfast cereal had not been invented. Americans in 1787 couldn’t imagine our world of cell phones, long pants, or flying and that was more than 100 years ago! Times have changed, even if the values behind America haven’t. Young people ought to have a chance to do it differently than their great great great grandparents. So let’s press our leaders for this change now, and start putting soldiers into other countries as soon as possible.

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