Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Meet the New Far Right, Just like the Old Far Right

If you listen closely you can hear the far right marching and that is more than Ann Coulter's precarious high heels as she marches from interview to interview to try to convince Canadians that they did send troops to vietnam.

There is a new far right in Germany that is using a sickening view of the Holocaust to generate public attention and recruit new members. The incorrectly named National Democratic Party (NDP) famously walked out of an eastern Saxony state's parliament memorial service for the victims of the World War II German Third Reich. If that wasn't enough the NDP also issued a release "equating Auschwitz with abortion":

"Since the end of Auschwitz, 18 million unborn people have been murdered in Germany ... is Auschwitz really over?" says the NPD on its website...

Before we dismiss this group, it is important to note that they received almost ten percent of the vote in the economically depressed Saxony region of Germany where immigration, values, and politics. Although greater than half of polled Germans do not support the NDP, the shrill rantings are growing rather than ebbing.

In a political era where the "emergency legislation" of the patriot act is becoming permanent and expanded in an age of governmentally supported torture, where kid's cartoons Buster Bunny and SpongeBob Squarepants are agents of tarnation and as we all know now non-journalists can get picture passes because they write nice things about the imperial presidency, are the marching of boots so far behind here in the land of war against "Terra"?

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