Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Middling Triumvirate Gives Thumbs Down To SOTU

I've talked with the brothers and on behalf of the middling triumvirate am happy to announce that we give the SOTU a hearty thumbs down. I am confident we can do this even before Bush takes the podium to a room full of purple thumbed Repugnicans (funny how they don't mind letting us in on the secret of their circle-jerk Tom thumbery). We are gluttons, just not of sufficeient magnitude to tune in.

We shan't be live-blogging the wretched affair. So instead of watching the chimp I will be watching "Manos" Hands of Fate, Attaturk will be watching Teenagers from Outer Space, and DeDurkheim will view Attack of the Giant Leeches. Off to the movies.

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