Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Strippers for Me, but not for Thee

Does the New York Times need X-Treme Bobo?

Apparently they think they do. Using the excuse of Pickles "working blue", John Tierney comes to this conclusion, ignoring the fact that progressives like me are having more fun with it, while recognizing it for what it is, a political play to dominate otherwise bad news with something that makes the Chimp seem more human, while Bush's base (yes, his base) is apoplectic.

They know what their image is in Manhattan and Hollywood, and they know they're not all that different from the Democrats in those places. They, too, watch "Desperate Housewives," and they're not surprised to hear Laura Bush doing Chippendales jokes. They've spent their own dollar bills there. They don't see anything the matter with that - or with themselves.


So Mr. Tierney, why not tell your little bible-thumping friends to knock off the condemnations of this licentiousness then?

This is what it has come to at the New York Times. Bobo and Bobo II? As tired and redundant as Safiar's crabby old man routine was, at least that bitter old bastard could write and lie with aplomb.

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