I lie, cheat, and flatulate against them evil liberals!
Proving once and for all that he is full of gas, so-called columnist Robert Novak has resumed the wacky right-wing lying assault on the credibility of former Ambassador and darer to speak against Bush, Joseph Wilson.
Novak continues the false claim that the husband of the outed CIA officer Valerie Plame was "discarded" last year by John Kerry's presidential campaign. Um, not true guys... who checks your facts? George?
However, gassy Bob's accusation traces back to a dubious article by none other than former male prostitute, Jeff "cut" Gannon, the slavishly pro-Republican operative who masqueraded as a White House correspondent using a fake name. And they wonder why we think they lie?
For more on how low gas Bob will go, start here.
But something to remember:
About SEVENTY EIGHT PERCENT of the voting age public in the USA did not vote for George Bush. And given the HUGE EFFORT to get out the often non-voting conservative vote this last election, many would estimate that the great majority of non-voters were probably to the "left" of Bush, although not necessarily in a completely formed political philosophy way.
How come people like the prostitute Gannon and gassy Bob can make proclamations about "the general public" that makes them out to be one-dimensionally conservative, but somehow, we can't criticize the critics?
I don't have naive hope that people in the short run will automatically come to the "correct" answer on everything... but when we consider how American society is structured with massive racism from the media, saturating the everyday life of people in more profound ways through extreme segregation, the isolation of the USA geographically from the rest of the world, the dumb educational system, militarist movies that glorify blowing shit up as a way to solve problems, the corporate controlled media, the intense SCARE campaigns about terrorism, etc. etc.
I think it is a small testimony to the intelligence of many in the USA that we haven't (yet) gotten a full-blown Hitler running the country.
Note that the above Hitler reference was rhetorical, please don't shower me with "how could you make such a reference, blah, blah..."
In spite of all these pressures, many people have questions, if we view people with disagreements or misconceptions as "one-dimensionally reactionary", we reveal our own isolation from the grassroots which leads to not really understanding what the grassroots are thinking, and that can lead to a kind of elitist arrogance.
It is up to us to work with people, learn from people as we try to help teach people at the same time. And that is why gassbag Bob is a boon for us. We can use him and the prostitute as examples to people what is wrong with the incorrectly labeled right-wing.
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