Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Immigration and The Right

Good ole Texas, you always get nothing but sensible policy out of there, right? Sheesh. Has anyone out there been following the growing xenophobia and extremism around the issue of immigration?

We have these unofficial groups of militias, former militias, and guys with guns who hate people who look and think differently than they do forming so-called "border protection" groups.

This will be an important issue in future elections and politics.

The angry white men of the Reagan era now want to guard a real and perceived border against "the other." Man, that is not policy, that is a recipe for disaster. A great many people are going to get hurt in this weird sense of meglamania that these men have about themselves!

And we all know what the right does with something like that? Yiup, co-opt it and use it as a device to win elections. That is what Reagan did with the white supremacist David Duke's calls for dismantling welfare, that is what the first Bush administration did with Iraq and oil concerns -- attack the infidels and darker skinned people who were hoarding "our oil." And just where will this take us with the subtle racism of Rove and Bush?

Imagine where future religious right leaders will take us with their concerns about immigration? It is a scary thought.

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