Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Howard is on the Ball

Howard Dean has seen the future of politics and its about scapegoating. Surprise, surprise.

Dean knows the republicans. They must have a group to attack. It's like a mantra for them. Democrats. Liberals. Academics. Human Beings. Ok, the last one was for fun but you get the idea although it is not too far from the truth. Surely the way that Mr. Bush is acting such as he is above the people by ignoring Cindy Sheehan and all the other grieving parents tells us something about the lack of basic human decency and compassion. Where is the compassionate conservatism?

Therefore I have decided that "president" or "preznit" are too good for Mr. Bush. You go to war for no good reasons, kill thousands, and ruin too many lives to count. You deserve no title of honor. Maybe Mr. Bush has learned how to control his emotions from the Terminator who is having a few problems of his own.

But the current democratic party chair knows what is coming from the republicans. They will try to make immigrants "scapegoats" in the upcoming elections. Besides what else have they got? Really. The "war" is going badly. Gas prices are sky high and going higher... and wait until it gets cold and we actually need some oil and petroleum. We have some serious health problems on the horizon. Crumbling infrastructure all around the country. Well, not for the wealthy. Airlines are falling apart. Our food supply is dirtier than ever. How do you cover all that (and more) in such a way that captures more than your crazy-as-fuck religious base?

At a rally, Dean got the loudest applause when he said Republicans would make immigration a pivotal issue during upcoming elections, as they did gay marriage and affirmative action in previous elections.

''Do you know who the scapegoats are going to be? Immigrants,'' he said. ``In Colorado, the chairman of the Republican Party endorsed Tom Tancredo for reelection. That is morally reprehensible. The governor of California, a supposed moderate Republican, invited the Minutemen to visit California. We do not need vigilante justice.''

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., has drawn the ire of Hispanic groups in calling for tougher immigration enforcement and a proposal to tax some of the money immigrants send home. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in a radio interview in April, said the civilian border patrols known as the Minutemen ``have done a terrific job.''

Dean spoke at a rally in Edinburg on the eve of the Democratic National Committee's Hispanic Summit in San Antonio.

Keep it up Howard. Clearly the republican party is going to have a tough time hiding its racist far right jingoistic rhetoric.

Meet the new republicans, same as the old republicans.

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