Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Prediction Completely Lacking In Originality

Making odds on the administration's next goof is dangerous territory but having been wrong many times before, let me jump right in...feet first.

Things in BushCo are unraveling at the speed of light and the latest sign that things just aren't right is the handling of the Miers nomination. Good golly what were they thinking? They got this one wrong in so many ways one simply cannot begin to count. And this nomination looks like they just let George make the call which proves absolutely, positively what a self-absorbed moron he really is.

So my prediction is Miers pulls her own name with this letter:

Dear President George,

I love the sound of your name like that. It makes me feel all warm and cuddly wuddly like the first time I noticed you checking me out through the slats in the locker door. I was hoping you really were looking at me in that special way because I thought you were really cute. And you know you still are.

When you nominated me to be a justice on the Supreme Court I began having visions of what kinds of exciting things I could wear under the robe and think about you being all presidential. I just love thinking of you that way, seeing you strutting around the office acting all official. You ARE soooo cute. Laura doesn't even know how lucky she is. Oh and neither does Condi. Or Karen.

When you told me that getting this job would be like my appointment to run the Texas lottery I thought it would be pretty easy. That was a HARD job. So was my job on the Dallas City Council. And we even had gavels in that job.

So anyway, I thought being a judge would kinda be just like those things cuz you seem to know so much but I am beginning to get the feeling that it is a little different. Well I thought about it a lot. You know how you look when you are thinking REAL hard? Well I did the same thing. I closed my eyes real tight for a while. Then I started blinking a lot, then tried to unfocus my eyes with that look you give those people that ask you questions and stuff.

Well anyway Karl slid a note under my door the other day with his name spelled with a "C" and the "R" was backwards so I'm a little worried about him. In the note he told me I probably need to help you out of a jam by saying that I need to go home to Texas to spend time with my homesick husband and son. I thought he knew I only came here to be with you.

We all know that we're supposed to do exactly what Karl says so I guess I don't get to be a judge.

Don't forget how cool you are. I have always thought you are the coolest and cutest president and always will. Friends forever.



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