Thursday, December 07, 2006


Ah yes, the long-walk off the short-pier that is Jonah ("You fight for me") Goldberg. It is bad enough that Rich Lowry who has been right about fuck-all in Iraq chirps in on the ISG, but then Goldberg throws in with his own wisdom, wisdom he probably threw together over his latte this morning:

By the standards and practices set up by Baker, the entire report represents the least objectionable ideas acceptable to the most unreasonable panelist. If Leon Panetta thought something was a bad idea, it got massaged until he liked it. If Ed Meese objected, it got massaged, or deleted, until he was happy. By what standard does a proposition become wiser or a greater model for the nation — — simply because ten people like it instead of nine? If the panel unanimously recommended that all cats in Iraq wear sweaters and that chickens be forced to dance the Mamba, would no one dare challenge the moral authority of their unanimity?

Y'know whatever.

Here's a proposal, and not the first time it has been made by me or by many others, those of you who were boosters and apologists for the Bush War from the beginning now is the time for you to...


In fact, Pantload owes an apology to Juan Cole, his readers, everyone on fucking earth and what is left of his conscience for this statement made on February 8, 2005:

I do think my judgment is superior to his [ed. Juan Cole] when it comes to the big picture. So, I have an idea: Since he doesn't want to debate anything except his own brilliance, let's make a bet. I predict that Iraq won't have a civil war, that it will have a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was worth it.

How about you back away from pontificating against anything during the rest of, let's say, for-fucking-ever?

There's wrong, and then there is Jonah Goldberg level wrong.

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