Sunday, January 14, 2007

I hereby step back from the blog

And designate as my spokesman on the matter of Bush's Iraq Policy Mr. Gilliard. Truly needs to be said.

But first Josh Marshall finds a nugget that sums it all up:

It was at Camp David last June that Kagan, a military historian and fellow of the American Enterprise Institute, outlined his plans for pouring more troops into Iraq to Bush and his war cabinet.

Donald Rumsfeld, the then defence secretary, was unimpressed, but Kagan’s views got another hearing when Bush was searching for ways to ditch the seemingly defeatist recommendations of James Baker’s Iraq Study Group. “Wow, you mean we can still win this war?” a grateful Bush reportedly said.

You know, we can pretty much just ask Halberstam to do a cut and paste on his earlier seminal work -- change the title and the cover. Hell we can even keep the forward the same.

What do you say David, forget "The Best & The Brightest" and chew on this one:

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