Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chuck & Diane

(To "Jack & Diane")

Little ditty about Chuck and Diane
Two american pols blowin up the Constitution

Chuckie’s ethnic as he can possibly be

Diane got a stick up her ass right down to her knee

Beatin' off the donors outside the tastee freeze
Diane showin' off her seriousness

She got Jackie O's hair and reinforced panties
Chuckie say, hey Diane lets send off
Torturin' Mike Mukasey

Then dribble off those Lane Bryants
Let me do what I please
And Chuckie say a

Oh yeah wanks go on
Long after the thrill of wankin' is gone
Oh yeah wanks go on
Long after the thrill of wankin' is gone they wank on

Chuckie sits back pretends to have thoughts for a moment
Scratches his nuts and does his best Lieberman
Well you know Diane we collect checks from bizness donors

Diane says, and bloggers they don' t know nothin'
Chuckie say a

Oh yeah wanks go on
Long after the thrill of wankin' is gone
Oh yeah wanks goes on
Long after the thrill of wankin' is gone

Gonna let it suck
Let it go

Let the my posturin' substitute
For achievin' fuck all
Hold on to the Senate as long as you can
It's not like all you fuckers

Are gonna go and vote Republican

Feel shitty about Chuck and Diane

Two Political Hacks enablin' crime the best they can

Suggested by Watertiger.

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