Mr. Straight-Talks attempts to counter blows to his metaphorical gut are so over-the-top yet lame, only Sean Hannity could be inspired, this is a pretty bad sign of the self-immolating campaign they plan on running:
Aggravated over persistent questions surrounding their new policy on lobbyists working for the campaign, Team McCain sought to change the topic tonight by raising Barack Obama's ties to a 60s-era radical.
“Just a few years ago when Barack Obama was beginning his career in politics he was launching it at the home of William Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist...
If this is the card McCain wants to play, then Mr. Straight-Talk deserves all the attention he gets for his terrorist & Chalabi coddling lobbyist buddies and consultants.
It also means McCain opens the door completely to his Charles Keating days.
How much barbecue is that guy going to grill anyway?
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