Do McCain's medical records demonstrate he suffers from the 'military-industrial complex'? Because he's acting all junta-riffic:
"I can't understand why he would line up behind the president in opposition to this GI Bill," [Barack Obama] said. "I can't believe why he believes it is too generous to our veterans. I could not disagree with him and the president more on this issue."
An angry McCain answered in a statement released by his campaign.
"I will not accept from Senator Obama, who did not feel it was his responsibility to serve our country in uniform, any lectures on my regard for those who did," said McCain
Only military guys can have opinions on military issues and thus be 'Commander-in-Chief'.
Sounds like a good idea -- for a military dictatorship.
So I guess FDR must have sucked at the job, huh?
Christ almighty, this HAS to be the last Vietnam War veteran to pick a fight. Is it a fight he picked with 5-Deferments Cheney? 2-Deferments Lieberman? AWOL-Bush?
I keep hearing how reluctant McCain is to wave this around...and yet he keeps doing it.
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