My extra virgin olive oil [the Purity Ball of viscous fluids] is getting really pissed for having kept its chastity while "crude" oil is doing this:
Oil sped to new peaks for a third straight day on Thursday to top $135 a barrel as investors fretted over long-term supply constraints and a big drop in U.S. crude stocks.
Meanwhile, it brings us back to a simpler time before we were overcome by simple men:
Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that if he was president, he would bring down gasoline prices through sheer force of personality, by creating enough political good will with oil-producing nations that they would increase their supply of crude.
If it wasn't so pathetic, you'd laugh yourself to death.
That was late-June 2000. The price of a barrel of oil was about $30 a barrel. It remained at about $30 a barrel well into March 2003 when the Chimperor made his awesome, "Let's invade Iraq" declaration.
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