Friday, December 03, 2010

Shorter Obama Administration to their base

We're just sayin' you're number one!

Besides, your ability to jump off a bridge is limited severely if you've first been thrown under the bus.


Montag said...

So, the general White House message seems to be, "well, we fucked up, we didn't listen to you, because you're whiny and shrill, but, now that we're in deep doo-doo because we didn't listen to you, you have to get our back, because we're all you have."

Oh, boy, that's a message that will resonate with, uh... no one.

Athenawise said...

How. Did. All. This. Happen? Pretty impressive massive fail in less than two years.

joe from Lowell said...

This whining over not getting everything you want it getting really old.

pansypoo said...

it's just how the CORPORATE GNEWS paint him.

to all the lazy asses who didn't vote. you let the rabid stupid minority win. have a nice 2 years.

joe from Lowell said...

Why would the 19% of Democrats who do not have a favorable opinion of how Obama has been doing his job, rather than the 81% who do, be his base?

Major Woody said...

Eighty-One percent of Democrats approve of the job Obama's doing? Wow. I must hang out with the wrong people.

I teach at a predominately-black university, and my students for the most part are quite disillusioned with him. However, 18-30 year old African-Americans are hardly representative of most Democrats, so I guess I should assume that Obama's still really popular.

Olives and Arrows said...

I teach at a predominately-black university, and my students....


Remind me to leave a little something extra in Atta's tip jar!
Entertainment of this quality just shouldn't be free.

This is too frickin' funny! Atta has, not one, but two idiots now claiming they are teaching at universities.

Willful and Ignorance said...

Somebody! Anybody? Hear our prayer.

Raoul Paste said...

"Hear our prayer"

Indeed. Karma, where are you?

pansypoo said...

clinton was in a similar spot. ahh, memories.