After all, being a bigot requires a lot of lying normally. I guess operating the 'Straight Talk' express is literally true, but not in the way intended.
The Secretary of Defense is a political appointee who's never been in the military. And the president, obviously, has had no background or experience in the military whatsoever. It was a campaign pledge to the gay and lesbian community."
Okay, two things.
First, McCain is obviously confusing Bill Gates, who as TPM points out was in the military, with Dick 'Other Priorities' Cheney, who decidedly was not.
Second, saying Obama cannot make policy recommendations at the guy elected "Commander-in-Chief" by the guy who decidedly WAS NOT, because he was never in the military, is like saying Lyndon Johnson couldn't push for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because he'd never been black or female.
Oops, a third thing.
John McCain is a pathetic, bigoted, asshole.
"...It was a campaign pledge to the gay and lesbian community."
I prefer to think of it as a campaign pledge to fellow citizens that are denied by law access to the full measure of civil rights and liberties that the rest of us take for granted; human beings that are systematically discriminated against by antiquated notions impressed upon our legal system to satisfy religious social bigots.
McTaint should have been disallowed from office BECAUSE he's a mentally unstable, hateful asshole... but that would also disqualify the entire republican party...and much of the current dem party...
ohhhh, that would be a huge WIN for everyone.
considering how my GW1 vet republican epal is against it, WHO has been hit n by teh gays a lot, you just know mccant remembers having to beat gays off him.
pansypoo I think it is more likely he still hates himself for surrendering his rectal virginity to the guard at the Hanoi Hilton in exchange for chocolate bars.
I'm guessing McCant doesn't think you are real military until you bomb your own Carrier . .... . Gee; that would be about the same time line as Gates non-military service.
There's a very simple explanation for all of this: John McCain thinks the military is his lawn.
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