Saturday, March 12, 2011

This can't be good

For the nuclear power industry or possibly anyone.

Shortly after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday that shook Japan and generated tsunami waves across the Pacific Ocean, reports emerged of damage at one of Japan’s nuclear power plants. On Saturday, Japanese authorities began evacuating residents nearby the Fukushima nuclear power plant due to the release of radioactive elements into the environment, signs of a possible meltdown at one of the reactors.

As officials worked to repair damage Saturday afternoon, an explosion occurred at the nuclear power plant, damaging one of the buildings.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Earthquake proof construction is not quite what we thought it was.
Back to the drawing board.

StonyPillow said...

It is indeed a bad day. Eathquake-proof? Maybe. Tsunami-proof? Not a chance. The reactors shut down without (an admitted) major incident, and were starting the cooldown cycle on backup diesel generators just fine until the 30-foot wall of water hit and swamped the generators. Or so we've been told.

Of course you have to go to foreign news sources to get the real story. American news media will only admit a fact damaging to General Electric when everybody else in the world is saying it, or it explodes in their faces like this.

Cesuim? We don't know whatchu talkin' 'bout no cesium. Ain't no meldown....Ain't no meltdown....O God, there's a meltdown.

(BTW, my understanding is Our Savior For The 21st Century, the Westinghouse AP1000, wouldn't have even made it to the tsunami before rupturing. And so says the NRC, a group of industry shills, scoundrels and blaggards if I've ever seen one. Back to the drawing board, boys.)

StonyPillow said...

BTW, since the subject is believing the media, I forgot to mention. The continental United States is downwind from Japan. Might want to amble down to the Mr.Natural if you're in the in the mall this weekend, and get yourself and your children some kelp supplements. You want to build up an excess of iodine in your blood a day or two before any fallout, so your (and especially your kids') thyroid won't be absorbing. Kelp has natural iodine, in more than sufficient quantity, but less than elemental iodide pills. Also more expensive, but worth it. You'll have to beat a kid to get them to take a second raw iodide pill.

MD said...

Forgive my moment of careless disrespect....but isn't this how Godzilla awoke, in a nuke-lar fallout cloud ?

pansypoo said...

godzilla will be back next year i guess.