Saturday, March 12, 2011

Too dumb to be called a moron

Who EVER thought Lexington & Concord (of "Shot hear 'round the World" fame) are in New Hampshire?

Only Michelle Bachman


Beleck3 said...

what joy that lady brings when she opens her mouth. proof that ignorance is bliss.

and she is so blissfully good at it!!!!

MD said...

Please, oh dear doG run, my dearest Michele run....Please, please, please. Our children need your leadership, slant on history and quintessential TBuggery. Also I have grave need for entertainment that only you can provide. Ever since the '07 SOTU, when you almost bared your boobies, for beads from the lil prince. I knew you were the one. .... With his Newtiness and Zell, Mittens and (be still my heart)Lil Ricki. I'm gonna be well entertained this debateration season.

Montag said...

And, let us be reminded that when confronted with her historical imprecision, she attempted to deflect attention by saying that she shouldn't have used Obama's teleprompter.

She's not just ignorant, she's an ignorant cooz.

pansypoo said...

1st we have to teach THE REST OF AMERICA WHO KNOWS JACK SQYAT ABOUT HITORY. you forget the REST of amerikkka who is JUST as uniformed.

Chuck said...

Oh heavens...don't be such a stickler...