The Right-Wing is now outraged over Bachmann's Newsweek cover picture in that it accurately portrays her as crazy and creepy rather than as a person of substance and "greatness".
So in the name of fairness, I'll make it appear more like Lincoln and less like Blinkin':
I know, I know, it's a bad beard, a fake beard. Plus, everybody knows that the fake beard in that family is Marcus.
The same creeps whining about the Newsweek cover were probably smirking and high fiving each other over this (You Tube video, tasteless and offensive in the normal GOP juvenile way).
They make petulant four year olds look like the very model of patience and maturity.
The same creeps whining about the Newsweek cover were probably smirking and high fiving each other over this (You Tube video, tasteless and offensive in the normal GOP juvenile way).
They make petulant four year olds look like the very model of patience and maturity.
just pissed cause the HD makes he less fuckable.
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